COVID-19 vs. the Flu

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Updated on July 29, 2022

流感(流感)和COVID-19,由大流行引起的疾病 coronavirus, are both contagious respiratory illnesses, meaning they affect your lungs and breathing, and can be spread to others. 尽管COVID-19和流感的症状看起来很相似, the two illnesses are caused by different viruses.

Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., senior director of infection prevention at Johns Hopkins, 解释了流感和COVID-19的相似之处和不同之处.

Similarities: COVID-19 and the Flu


  • Both illnesses can cause fever, cough, body aches, 有时呕吐和腹泻(尤其是儿童). Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Both can result in pneumonia.
  • 流感和COVID-19都可以是无症状的、轻微的、严重的,甚至是致命的.

How It Spreads

  • Both the flu and COVID-19 spread in similar ways. 推荐十大正规网赌平台的飞沫或更小的病毒颗粒可以将病毒传播给附近的其他人. 最小的颗粒可能在空气中徘徊,另一个人可以吸入它们并被感染.
  • Or, people can touch a surface with viruses on it, 然后通过触摸他们的脸将细菌传染给他们自己. 
  • 感染冠状病毒或流感的人可能在几天内都没有意识到自己生病了, 在这段时间里,可能会在不知情的情况下将疾病传播给其他人,甚至在他们感到生病之前.

Prevention and Vaccines

COVID-19: There are several COVID-19 vaccines recommended by the CDC. It is also important to receive a booster when you are eligible.

Flu: 目前有一种疫苗,可以有效预防某些最危险的流感类型,或减少流感的严重程度或持续时间. 流感疫苗每年都要重新配制,以预防可能传播的流感毒株. 随着COVID大流行的持续,接种流感疫苗非常重要.

Other Ways to Prevent COVID-19 and Flu

在大多数情况下,由COVID-19或流感引起的严重疾病和死亡可能是致命的 prevented by vaccines. In addition, mask-wearing, frequent and thorough hand washing, coughing into the crook of your elbow, 生病时待在家里并限制与感染者的接触是有效的安全预防措施. Physical distancing limits the spread of COVID-19 and flu in communities.

Staying Safe from the Flu and COVID-19

With flu season here amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, what are the differences between COVID-19 and the flu? 如何保护自己和家人免受这两种疾病的侵害? 约翰霍普金斯医学传染病专家将在11月12日的Facebook直播活动中回答这些问题和其他问题:“今年冬天远离流感和COVID-19.”

Staying Safe from the Flu and COVID-19

With flu season here amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, what are the differences between COVID-19 and the flu? 如何保护自己和家人免受这两种疾病的侵害? 约翰霍普金斯医学传染病专家将在11月12日的Facebook直播活动中回答这些问题和其他问题:“今年冬天远离流感和COVID-19.”

Differences: Covid-19 and the Flu


COVID-19: Caused by the 2019 coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2. 不同的SARS-CoV-2在严重程度或传染性方面存在一些差异.

Flu: Caused by the influenza virus. 有两种主要类型的流感病毒,分别是甲型流感和乙型流感. 每年都有不同的甲型和乙型流感病毒出现和传播.


COVID-19许多感染冠状病毒的人不会感到不舒服,或者只有轻微的症状, 但它们仍然可以将冠状病毒传播给其他人. Review the full list of symptoms.

COVID-19有时会导致一个人突然失去嗅觉(嗅觉丧失)或味觉(失忆)。. 这种情况很少发生在流感中,但可能发生在某些病毒株上.

Flu: 流感通常不会影响人的嗅觉或味觉, 但在其他方面有许多与COVID-19相似的症状, as during the 1918 flu pandemic, 某种流感病毒株确实会导致许多人失去味觉或嗅觉.


虽然COVID-19和流感可能使用不同的治疗方法, both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. 严重的病例可能需要住院治疗,重病患者可能需要呼吸机——一种帮助他们呼吸的机器. For some patients, medications 可能有助于减轻症状并缩短COVID-19或流感的持续时间.

COVID-19COVID-19的治疗取决于感染的严重程度. 对于较轻的疾病,在家休息和服用退烧药物通常就足够了. More severe cases may require hospitalization, with treatment that might include intravenous medications, supplemental oxygen, assisted ventilation and other supportive measures.

Flu口服抗病毒药物可以缓解症状,有时还能缩短病程. Because they are given by mouth, 这些抗病毒疗法可以在家里或医院给推荐十大正规网赌平台开处方.


COVID-19: The development of complications, including long-term damage to the lungsheartkidneysbrain 和其他器官以及各种长期症状,在COVID-19病例后是可能的.

Flu流感并发症包括心脏发炎(myocarditis), brain (encephalitis或肌肉(肌炎、横纹肌溶解)和多器官功能衰竭. Secondary bacterial infections, particularly pneumonia, can occur following a bout of influenza infection.


COVID-19: The first cases appeared in China in late 2019, 美国第一例确诊病例出现在2020年1月.

Current COVID-19 infections*

Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 1 billion people worldwide get the flu every year.

Coronavirus vs. Flu Deaths­

COVID-19: Current COVID-19 deaths*

Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.

COVID-19形势继续变化,有时变化很快. 医生和科学家正在努力估计COVID-19的死亡率. At present, 它被认为比大多数流感病毒要高得多(可能是10倍或更多).

*This information comes from the 约翰霍普金斯大学系统科学与工程中心开发的冠状病毒COVID-19全球病例图.

Cold and Flu Season Precautions: What to Do

  1. 及时接种冠状病毒疫苗和增强剂. Visit the CDC site for vaccination and booster details.

  2. Get a flu shot. Even if you usually skip a flu shot, 只要冠状病毒大流行还在继续,确保你得到一个就尤为重要. It is safe for you to go to the doctor for a flu shot. For the 2021–2022 flu season, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, 建议你在9月或10月接种流感疫苗. Ask your doctor if you should get a pneumonia shot, too.
  3. Don’t forget the kids. 确保你的孩子(6个月以上)接种流感疫苗和其他他们需要的疫苗是很重要的. 5岁及以上的儿童有资格接种一种当前的COVID-19疫苗. Learn more about keeping up with 冠状病毒大流行期间为婴儿和儿童常规接种疫苗.
  4. Care for yourself and your family with good nutrition, plenty of rest, proper hydration, regular exercise and stress management. And always stay home if you don’t feel well.
  5. Continue protecting yourself from the coronavirus. Even if you are tired of following coronavirus precautions such as washing your hands frequently, cleaning and sanitizing, wearing a face mask and physically distancing, 现在尤其重要的是保持良好的工作,并鼓励你的家人也这样做.

Learn more about coronavirus vaccine safety and what you need to know about the COVID vaccines.