


冠状病毒是一种病毒. 有许多不同的种类,有些会导致疾病. 2019年发现的冠状病毒, “非典”-CoV-2, 引起了呼吸系统疾病的大流行, 叫新型冠状病毒肺炎.

你需要知道的 新型冠状病毒肺炎

  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎 is the disease caused by “非典”-CoV-2, the coronavirus that emerged in December 2019.
  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎可能很严重, 和 has caused millions of deaths around the world as well as lasting health problems in some who have survived the illness.
  • 冠状病毒可以在人与人之间传播. 它是通过测试来诊断的.
  • The best way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated 和 boosted when you are eligible, 遵循测试指南, 戴口罩, 勤洗手,保持身体距离.


到目前为止, researchers know that the coronavirus is spread through droplets 和 virus particles released into the air when an infected person breathes, 会谈, 笑着说, 唱, 咳嗽或打喷嚏. 更大的水滴可能会在几秒钟内落到地面上, but tiny infectious particles can linger in the air 和 accumulate in indoor places, especially where many people are gathered 和 there is poor ventilation. This is why mask-wearing, h和 hygiene 和 physical distancing are essential to preventing 新型冠状病毒肺炎.


第一例新型冠状病毒肺炎病例于12月19日报告. 1, 2019, 和 the cause was a then-new coronavirus later named “非典”-CoV-2. “非典”-CoV-2 may have originated in an animal 和 changed (mutated) so it could cause illness in humans. 在过去, several infectious disease outbreaks have been traced to viruses originating in birds, 猪, bats 和 other animals that mutated to become dangerous to humans. 研究仍在继续, 和 more study may reveal how 和 why the coronavirus evolved to cause p和emic disease.


Symptoms show up in people within two to 14 days of exposure to the virus. A person infected with the coronavirus is contagious to others for up to two days before symptoms appear, 它们会传染给其他人10到20天, depending upon their immune system 和 the severity of their illness. 

What have you learned about coronavirus in the last six months?

Infectious disease expert Lisa Maragakis explains the advances in 新型冠状病毒肺炎 treatments 和 how knowledge of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 can assist in preventing further spread of the virus.



  • 咳嗽
  • 发烧或发冷
  • 呼吸短促或呼吸困难
  • 肌肉或身体疼痛
  • 喉咙痛
  • 味觉或嗅觉新丧失
  • 腹泻
  • 头疼
  • 新的疲劳
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 鼻塞或流鼻涕

Some people infected with the coronavirus have mild 新型冠状病毒肺炎 illness, 还有一些人根本没有症状. In some cases, however, 新型冠状病毒肺炎 can lead to respiratory failure, lasting  和 心肌损伤神经系统问题肾功能衰竭 或死亡.

If you have a fever or any of the symptoms listed above, call your doctor or a health care provider 和 explain your symptoms over the phone before going to the doctor’s office, 紧急护理设施或急诊室. 这里有一些建议 if you feel sick 和 are concerned you might have 新型冠状病毒肺炎.

CALL 911 if you have a medical emergency such as severe shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.




新型冠状病毒肺炎是通过检测来诊断的. Diagnosis by examination alone is difficult since many 新型冠状病毒肺炎 signs 和 symptoms can be caused by other illnesses. Some people with the coronavirus do not have symptoms at all. 了解更多关于新型冠状病毒肺炎检测的信息.


新型冠状病毒肺炎的治疗 这取决于感染的严重程度. For milder illness, resting at home 和 taking medicine to reduce fever is often sufficient. 更严重的病例可能需要住院治疗, with treatment that might include intravenous medications, 补充氧气, 辅助通风和其他支持措施


有几个 疾控中心推荐的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗. 同样重要的是,接受一个 助推器,当你符合条件.

除了, 它有助于跟上其他安全预防措施, 例如以下测试指南, 戴口罩, 勤洗手,保持身体距离.


是的,严重的新型冠状病毒肺炎可能是致命的. For updates of coronavirus infections, deaths 和 vaccinations worldwide, see the 冠状病毒新型冠状病毒肺炎全球病例 map developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science 和 Engineering.

Two 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines – Pfizer 和 Moderna - have been fully approved by the FDA 和 recommended by the CDC as highly effective in preventing serious disease, 因新型冠状病毒肺炎住院和死亡.

The CDC notes that in most situations the two mRNA vaccines from Pfizer 和 Moderna are preferred over the 约翰逊 & 约翰逊疫苗由于严重不良事件的风险.

在符合条件的情况下接种加强疫苗也很重要. You can get any of these three authorized or approved vaccines, but the CDC explains that Pfizer 和 Moderna are preferred in most situations.


冠状病毒es are named for their appearance: “corona” means “crown.” The virus’s outer layers are covered with spike proteins that surround them like a crown.


“非典” 代表严重急性呼吸系统综合症. In 2003, an outbreak of “非典” affected people in several countries before ending in 2004. The coronavirus that causes 新型冠状病毒肺炎 is similar to the one that caused the 2003 “非典” outbreak.

Since the 2019 coronavirus is related to the original coronavirus that caused “非典” 和 can also cause severe acute respiratory syndrome, 它的名字里有““非典””:“非典”- cov -2. 关于这些病毒还有很多未知之处, but “非典”-CoV-2 spreads faster 和 farther than the 2003 “非典”-CoV-1 virus. This is likely because of how easily it is transmitted person to person, 即使是无症状的病毒携带者.


是的,这种冠状病毒有不同的变体. Like other viruses, the coronavirus that causes 新型冠状病毒肺炎 can change (mutate). Mutations may enable the coronavirus to spread faster from person to person as in the case of the delta 和 omicron variants. More infections can result in more people getting very sick 和 also create more opportunity for the virus to develop further mutations. 阅读更多关于 冠状病毒变异.


如果您担心自己可能感染了新型冠状病毒肺炎, follow these steps to help protect your health 和 the health of others.


  • 冠状病毒在不同的动物中很常见. 动物冠状病毒很少会感染人类.
  • 冠状病毒有很多种. Some of them can cause colds or other mild respiratory (nose, throat, 肺) illnesses.
  • 其他冠状病毒可导致严重疾病, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (“非典”) 和 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).


