
Face Transplant

What You Need to Know

  • 对于那些因严重受伤而毁容的人来说,面部移植可以改变他们的生活, 是生来就有差异(或先天缺陷)还是有烧伤
  • 面部移植是一个复杂的过程,包括严格的筛选过程, detailed surgical preparation,16 hours or more of surgery, nerve regeneration, 物理治疗和免疫抑制药物将伴随推荐十大正规网赌平台的余生.
  • Since 2021, 超过45名患者在世界各地的机构接受了全部或部分面部移植.

Candidates for Face Transplant

Face transplant candidates must:

  • Be 18 – 60 years of age
  • Have experienced facial trauma or disfigurement
  • Have no history of HIV or Hepatitis C
  • Be able to take immunosuppressive drugs
  • Have no history of cancer for at least five years
  • Be willing to forgo pregnancy for one year


Screening for Face Transplant

面部移植候选人要经过严格的生理和心理筛选. 你的面部移植团队将确定你的肌肉和神经的健康状况,以确保它们能够支持神经再生. 移植后神经的再生对于维持足够的运动功能至关重要.

候选人和他们的家人也可能会接受面试,以评估他们是否能够坚持康复的要求, 包括服用抗排斥药物和参加物理治疗. 还将评估他们克服任何短期挫折的能力.

Digital Reality for Facial Transplants


Face Transplant Donors

面部捐赠不包括在常用的驾驶执照器官捐赠登记中. 面部捐赠需要征得捐赠家庭的同意,这是一个特殊而敏感的过程. 除了像实体器官移植一样匹配血型和免疫参数, 面部捐赠需要特别强调皮肤颜色的匹配, skin tone, gender, ethnicity, race and the size of the face and head. Once you are approved for a face transplant, 你可能要等上几周到几个月才能找到匹配的捐献者.

Face Transplant Surgery

等待面部捐赠的患者可以随时被叫到医院进行手术. When the patient arrives to the hospital, 对他们进行评估,以确保他们足够健康,可以接受手术. 超声波机可以用来帮助标记你脸上要连接的静脉. 在这种情况下,你可能会接受药物治疗来帮助他们耐受免疫抑制.

一旦捐赠者的脸可用,两组外科医生就会同时开始手术. 一个小组准备你的脸接受移植,而另一个小组准备供体进行移植. Once you and the donor are surgically prepared, the surgeons will connect the bones with plates and screws. 外科医生将使用外科显微镜连接动脉、神经和静脉. Once blood is flowing through the transplanted face, any remaining muscles and nerves are connected, and the skin and soft tissues are closed. 面部移植手术通常需要16个小时或更长时间,这取决于需要修复面部的多少和哪些部分.

手术后,您将被安置在外科重症监护病房(SICU)约一周. 一旦手术小组同意你离开SICU, you will move to a transplant unit, 你将在哪里接受为所有类型的移植推荐十大正规网赌平台特别设计的护理.

你可能会在医院里呆上三到四周. 住院的时间长短取决于几个因素, 包括你在家里得到的支持和帮助, 从你家到医院接受后续治疗的距离, and any delays that might occur in recovery.

Reconstructive Transplant Research Lab


Face Transplant Risks

As with any organ transplant, 最大的风险是你的身体会把你的新肢体视为异物,你的免疫系统会对抗它. 在面部移植手术中,排异反应可能表现为皮疹,可能是斑驳的,斑驳的或斑点状的. 它可以出现在脸上的任何地方,通常是无痛的.

As rejection almost always appears first in the skin, 鼓励患者及其护理人员仔细观察这些迹象,并向医生报告,以便及时进行活检和治疗. 与内部器官移植不同,它很容易检测和监测面部排斥的迹象. This allows for early medical intervention. However, 只要推荐十大正规网赌平台遵守规定的免疫抑制方案, there has been no evidence that the transplant will fail.


In a span of just five years, 约翰·霍普金斯医学院已经批准了治疗方案, 面部和阴茎移植——这表明该公司的移植业务增长得有多快, and how the entire field has evolved.

Rehabilitation after Face Transplant Surgery

面部移植患者应做好广泛康复的准备, which can last from four to six months. Some parts of rehabilitation may be required for life. 康复的目标是让推荐十大正规网赌平台恢复功能和活动,这样他或她就可以自信地参与日常活动.

The functions performed by the face include speech, communication, smiling, eating and drinking, blinking and emotional expression. 治疗练习可能包括肌肉放松或刺激, mirror exercises, facial expression training, speech and swallowing training, re-educating the olfactory system and more.

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